Where Emotional Anatomy meets Chinese Medicine
Five Element Acupuncture was the beginning of my metaphysical journey of understanding the human body.
In this series of Microworkshops I combine Chinese Medicine theory with Emotional Anatomy insight.
Each workshop is based on one of the organ and meridian systems in Chinese Medicine.
What's covered in the workshops?
- The Organ and its meridian pathway
- The Element and the connections and correspondances
- The function of the organ in both Western and Chinese Medicine
- The Metaphors, personality or archetypes that will help make sense of this organ's role in the body.
- The spiritual, emotional and energetic aspects of this organ system.
- Physical manifestations of the energy being both balanced and imbalanced.
These workshops are between 60 and 90 minutes long and designed for those new to Five Element Acupuncture Theory or TCM.
To read more about Chinese Medicine and understand the ideas presented in these workshops click below
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The Gallbladder
The Gallbladder is a yang organ and its role beyond the physical is as a decision maker. Its pathway is long and jagged. As part of the Wood Element it is injured by anger.
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The Stomach
The Stomach is a yang organ and is the 'Receiver' not only of food but also of the energy of the environment. As a very sensitive organ it is vulnerable to any chaotic or unpleasant energies around it.
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The Small Intestine
The Small Intestine is a yang organ and know as the 'Sorter'. Its job is to discern what nourishing and what is not. Connected to the virtue of Listening it also selects what we hear.
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The Bladder
Another yang organ having great importance for the health of the whole body, not only physically but spiritually too.
Discover its connection to your energy reserves and how you flow with life.
More info & CheckoutChinese Medicine developed many centuries ago and was birthed from observing living bodies rather than the dead.
Many ancient and early philosophies from around the world viewed the human body as a microcosm of the whole universe. A smaller reflection of the whole and so Chinese Medicine was born from this philosophy. We, as humans, are not separate from any other living thing, and everything we see in our world is interconnected energetically like a web.
Qi is the life force that flows in us, around us and through us.
To be healthy is to be in Harmony within this web; energy flows in a balanced way, but its flow can become blocked or unbalanced by certain conditions.
Emotions affect the flow of Qi through the body, as do our thoughts, beliefs or actions that push against the natural essence of our nature. We all have a path to follow which is named 'The Tao'
When we divert away from The Tao disharmony follows.
“To return to the root is to find peace.
To find peace is to fulfill one’s destiny.” — Tao Te Ching
In Chinese Medicine the concept of the Microcosm/Macrocosm is applied to the body - 'As above, so below'
Each organ is referred to as an 'Official'.
All the Officials work together to govern the body in the same way officials of a government work as a team to ensure the smooth running of their country.
Thus each official has a particular responsibility which makes up part of the whole. Just like people, each official has their own energy and personality. Their own strengths and weaknesses.
When one official becomes weak or unbalanced then this can lead to illness - disruption in the whole system.
In these workshops we look at each official and consider their influence on the body from this more rounded perspective.